Okay, hello! OCD Keyboard is back, unnamed humans currently reading my blog who I have more than likely never met! Do I need a better intro? Nah, I kind of like that!
Now playing : Colors- Halsey
So, my last blog post was really just an experament. I wanted to see what style I like for this and it worked out!
Okay, has anyone had, like, a very, extremely, undeniably awkward encounter with an old friend? And the fact that your "old friend" was your best friend just a month ago makes it twenty times worse! Yes, this bundle of random unicorn amazingness has been dumped by many best friends before. But, hey! At least I know who my true friends are now.
I got my hair cut less than 2 weeks ago and it is already starting to grow back! It is still pretty short but it will need cut again before school starts or else it'll be all up in my eye balls!
If I didn't already claim the hipster-grunge style, maybe I could go emo on all them unicorn haters! 🦄🦄! Have you ever tried to change your style then your friends start judging you. "You just want to jump on the band wagon before even thinking about it!" That is one of the many things teenagers say to anyone who changes. Hallelujah, praise the unicorns, that teenagers have become so snarky!
So, is it cool for teen guys to sag their pants again? If so, does anyone have a cheap time machine to before anyone decided sagged pants looked cool? I am dead serious, I will not live in a world where sagged pants are in style! RUFUSING TO CONFORM! Does the thought of cliché stuff bother anyone else? I do not enjoy conforming to "hey everyone! Make sure to be really cliché and ne a nerdy/poplar couple! But make sure to change each other but in a sweet way." No thank you.
So, I am super rare, there is only one of me out of 7.56 billion people, and unicorns are rare so… I'm just saying that I am also very colorful. Am I a unicorn in a human's body? Holy crap dogs, I am a unicorn!
Has anyone else just realized how much I use "so"? Well, I truly, deeply apologize for the over use of an already overused word. I just want you to know, I don't reread or edit anything I write. This is just random-ass randomness.
If I felt better about the appearance of my face, maybe I could be a YouTube person. Nah, I'm not good at speaking. Does anyone want to make a YouTube account? I mean, you get to watch videos that are restricted for absolutely no reason and you can comment, like and subscribe! But then, if you were me and ended up making even one video, my friends would never let me live it down!
So, I guess that that is all.
Until the next imaginary unicorn visits me,
OCD Keyboard out!
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